Friday, December 14, 2012

Antioxidant Study

As a group, please sit down and talk about how you would like to split yourselves up.  Discuss the articles that I asked you to read.  They were designed to give you ideas on types of food you could test for antioxidant levels.  I would like there to be 3 groups if possible.  During your discussion, I want you to brainstorm constraints for this lab, i.e. constants and variables, likelihood the food you selected is available (and cheap), unique ways to inform the school of our findings, connection to the food we consume here at WT.  Thanks.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Beginning of our Antioxidant Study

You are to read/watch the first three posts under the page Antioxidant Study above.  We will discuss these articles as a group when we return.