Thursday, September 5, 2013

Article Summaries

For each article of background research I assign or you look up on your own, you will be responsible for writing an "article summary."  We will be utilizing the same format that is used at UCONN.  Please read the linked document and model your summaries off of it.  Like anything we turn in, you are more than welcome to turn in a draft for me to critique before you turn in a final copy for grading.  For the two assigned articles in the previous post, write summaries for each following this method.  NOTE:  You will not always be able to incorporate everything mentioned in the format.  For example, if the article is more informative an does not have a hypothesis, you cannot restate it.  That's fine.

I would suggest keeping these between 2 and 5 pages, depending on the length of the research article.

Here is the link: